Monday, 13 November 2017

Make Your Walls Tell a Story

Countless people have failed to consider articulating their interior walls as the foundation of interior designing, and rather spend time on furniture, artifacts and decorative showpieces, to personalize their home interior. Often, they match or contrast stuffs with the wall paint color that they have, and that’s the extent of participations of the wall.

Wall decor is an art form which can make a signature statement about your interiors. Your inner artist must not shy away.

Some ideas to help you start are as follows:
  • Contrast colors: Mono-colored walls can be boring and might not give a spin to the look of a room. Using two or three colors for different walls, will not only add an interesting touch, but will necessarily differentiate the spaces in the rooms.
  • Add textures: Adding texture to the wall, is another way of stylizing your wall look. Whether you add rough or wooden texture, or plant a symmetry of wall grass, it definitely creates the design aesthetics of your house and base for the wall decoration theme.
  • Picture frames: Throw in some framed pictures of you and your kith and kin, or hang up some posters or painted art pieces in asymmetric manner. This is one of the most popular ideas, among urban couples and youngsters.
  • Wall art decals: Recently, various themed and colored wall art decals and stickers are in the market. A story can be told on your home walls itself by putting those on, to capture the philosophy and the statement that you want to make.

A blank wall makes even a well decorated room seem dull. Wall decor is the basic step of breathing life into your rooms and make it a home. Visit to get more ideas on wall art and start redesigning your interiors.